Leading by Reading

Expanding Minds, Unlocking Potential, Empowering Journeys

“Under the plan, you as pure spirit would enter the physical universe just created. This is because physicality is the only way to know experientially what you know conceptually. It is, in fact, the reason I created the physical cosmos to begin with—and the system of relativity which governs it, and all creation.” 1

Neale Donald Walsch, Conversations with God, 1991

Jesus referred to the separation we experience as ‘the original birth trauma.’ 2 This sense of alienation from others, the world, and the Creator has long been deemed an inevitable aspect of our existence on this physical plane. Moreover, a closer examination of human history reveals that this separation contributes to a deeper division among humanity, distancing us from the Oneness we once shared.

Why isn’t the great and glorious gift of life from the Creator acknowledged? 3 Why do perpetual conflicts persist in various aspects of life? Why do the inspirations of great teachers throughout history seem futile? Are we evolving or regressing as a species?

A profound understanding of our current existence is imperative—a comprehension of a world existing in polarity and our pre-birth decision at the spirit level to engage with the physical world.

As explored in prior discussions, nothing can exist without its surroundings, much like how sound cannot exist without silence. 4 Everything is perceived relative to opposites. Only in contrast to darkness can light exist. This world is the realm of relativity, intentionally created by the Creator.

Spirits, as children of the Creator, sought experiential self-knowledge. Conceptual awareness was not enough. 5 For goodness to be experienced, a stark contrast, sometimes in the form of evil, is necessary. This aspect can only be understood by experiencing its opposite, facilitated by our free will and choice. Every experience serves as an opportunity to define ourselves as part of divinity.

In this realm of relativity, we forgot an important aspect—we chose to experience the physical world in the realm of the absolute when we were one with the Creator, Love, the Source. It was a collaborative decision, a spectacular one. 6 This understanding reveals the Creator’s deep love for His children. The birth trauma of separation or rejection is unnecessary once this is known.

Our decision to enter the physical universe involves a profound truth—we caused ourselves to forget who we truly are. ‘Forgetting ourselves’ as magnificent divine beings was a necessary process. There is no way not to be who and what we are—pure creative spirits, divine parts of the whole. Only through forgetting can we choose to be Who We Are and recreate ourselves as the magnificent divine beings the Creator intended. 7

If only we knew this! Severe division and violence among people and in the world would vanish. We are not separate from one another or alienated from the world or the Creator. We are One in our origin and One with the Creator.

This knowledge would shift our deeply ingrained tendency to judge the world harshly based on a black-and-white frame of thought, fostering more embracing perspectives on life and the world.



1. 5. 6. 

Neale Donald Walsche, Conversations with God Book 1, 1995

published by Hodder & Stoughton


2. 3. 

Glenda Green, Love Without End: Jesus Speaks, 1999, 

Published by Spirits Publishing

P73, Chapter 4. The Love That You Are


Essay: The One


Neale Donald Walsche, Conversations with God Book 1, 1995

published by Hodder & Stoughton


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