Leading by Reading

Expanding Minds, Unlocking Potential, Empowering Journeys

“The inner senses are equipped to perceive data that is not physical. They are not deceived by the images that you project in three-dimensional reality. Now, they can perceive physical objects. Your physical senses are extensions of these inner methods of perception, and after death it is upon these that you will rely. They are used in out-of-body experiences. They operate constantly beneath normal waking consciousness so that you can even become familiar with the nature of perception after death, now.”

Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks, 1972

With a clearer understanding of our souls gained from previous discussions, it becomes evident that our inner self, responsible for perception and creation, transcends the physical realm. Upon death, this inner essence sheds the outer persona it inhabited during life and returns to the cosmic whole, affirming the immortality of our soul as an integral part of All That Is. 2

Embracing this expanded view of the soul prompts a reevaluation of perception itself. It leads us to ponder the objectives of our immortal soul in engaging with physical perception and to explore the possibility of larger realities beyond the grasp of our physical senses. As co-creators within the universe, we are compelled to delve into fundamental philosophical questions about the cyclical nature of the incarnation into this three-dimensional reality that the soul chooses to experience.

At the core of our existence lies a universal impulse shared by all souls – the quest for experience. 3 It is this driving force that propels us to incarnate repeatedly, seeking unique encounters and diverse manifestations of existence within the physical realm. 

Our physical senses, finely tuned to detect specific stimuli, provide us with a specialized means of perceiving reality within a limited spectrum. They function like ‘lenses’ placed over the natural inner perceptions of the soul, forcing the self to ‘see’ an available field of activity as physical matter. 4

However, the very nature of our physical senses implies a predetermined scope of perception, thereby excluding vast dimensions of reality intentionally. This confined perception, akin to a theatrical performance illuminated by a spotlight, serves a purpose in facilitating the soul’s intense and focused experiences within each incarnation, thereby fostering its evolution. 

Yet, beneath this staged facade lies a deeper truth: the innate ability of the inner self to perceive beyond the confines of three-dimensional reality. Recognizing the limitations of relying solely on physical senses, we awaken to the need for a broader perception, one that transcends the superficial presentation of reality.

This awakening prompts us to explore the untapped potential of our inner senses, which operate subtly beneath our waking consciousness. It invites us to embark on a journey of expanded awareness and heightened understanding, wherein we can uncover the true nature of reality hidden beneath the surface of perception.

In essence, the true understanding of our perception through physical senses leads us to the realization that there is more to reality than meets the eye. It urges us to transcend the limitations of our physical perception and to cultivate a deeper connection with our inner senses, thereby enriching our experiences and expanding our understanding of the universe. 

It is time to “see” beyond the illusions of the physical world and to embrace the boundless potential of our inner perception.




Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, 1972

Published by Amber-Allen Publishing and New World Library, 1994

Page 141, Chapter 10: “Death” Conditions in Life


Essay: The Mysteries of the Soul and its Connection to God


Essay: Remembering Who We Are in the Cosmic Tapestry


Jane Roberts, Seth Speaks: The Eternal Validity of the Soul, 1972

Published by Amber-Allen Publishing and New World Library, 1994

Page 55, Chapter 4: Reincarnation Dramas

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